29 December 2008

New Year’s resolutions

I hereby resolve to keep at least 4 of the following 40 resolutions:

1. Appreciate life in all its fullness.
2. Bake bread and make fresh soup.
3. Be alone more. Seek solitude.
4. Be at peace with God, myself and others. Live a life of harmony and integrity as far as possible.
5. Be free with my own time. “In N. America we have the clock; in Africa we have the time.” Aim to be punctual for appointments, church, school and work. Respect others’ time.
6. Be frugal; live simply. Keep spending to a minimum.
7. Be joyful. Inner joy is a fruit of God’s Spirit; it does not depend on my circumstances.
8. Be more intentional about time with friends. Be present. Enjoy the company of diverse people.
9. Be spontaneous. Listen to my soul when unexpected “interruptions” occur. Say yes sometimes (and remember that no is a full sentence).
10. Be thankful for God’s new mercies every morning. Share good news. (Tell God. Tell others.)
11. Cook more (but not too much more). Appreciate the meals others prepare for me.
12. Create more: artwork, books, cards ... letters, poetry.
13. Discipline myself more—for the sake of freedom and growth, not legalism.
14. Do an hour (or more) each day of what’s necessary—but not necessarily nice.
15. Drink more—definitely more water (and tea), perhaps even more whisk(e)y and wine! :)
16. Encourage someone. Call a friend. Meet for coffee. Write a cheery note. Share flow’rs.
17. Give away two items for every one purchased.
18. If possible, buy nothing new other than food or bare necessities (preferably on sale).
19. Learn to worship God as a Person. See God’s character in Jesus, and in His Spirit. Embrace the mystery of the Trinity. Communicate with abba Father as modelled by Jesus.
20. Listen to music and poetry.
21. Live sacrificially. Be generous with gifts of time and money.
22. Notice beauty everywhere.
23. Order a small space in our home each day. (Order Chinese food once in a while.)
24. Pay attention—and try not to sound like a teacher all the time. :)
25. Plan a quiet day each week, a retreat day each month, a week away each year.
26. Play more. Laugh more. Draw cartoons. Finger paint. Make a mess. Maintain a sense of humour—and a sense of the ridiculous. Take myself less seriously.
27. Play piano with wild abandon. Plan an annual dessert recital with my next-door neighbour.
28. Pray without ceasing. Be in conversation with God throughout the day (and in the waking hours of the night). Remember His eternal presence. Take Truth more seriously.
29. Read more. Share good books.
30. Recycle. Be aware of my carbon footprint.
31. See the Big Picture. Try not to get lost in the details (and vice versa).
32. Share simple treats. Practise kindness.
33. Show love. Be a grace-giver.
34. S-l-o-w down—and bath more. Light candles, relax, let go of the day’s burdens. Breathe deeply. (“Inspiration. Expiration.”)
35. Study. Teach. Grow. Be diligent as a teacher; pursue excellence.
36. Walk in the snow/rain/sunshine. Deliberately. Merrily.
37. Walk through the neighbourhood for fun, not to get somewhere. Greet locals with a smile.

38. Wander through the woods; smell the earthy scent of nature.
39. Whistle, hum and sing more (in private and to my spouse, who really does like the sound of my voice).
40. Write more.


Miriam said...

Inspirational, my dear, absolutely inspirational. Makes me want to take the time to come up with more than just the annual "lose weight" resolution. Introspection time again ...

Love to you and Robin!

Cade said...

whoa... those are a ton of resolutions. i think i'm going to make mine up as i go so i don't have to worry about breaking them.

christine said...

Hey Elaine,
I love your Blog site...you've made it very readable...which is great since you're a writer!! Hahaha!
Make sure I'm on your list of 'visiting friends'.

Brad Huebert said...

Wow, Elaine. Beautifully put, and such wonderful stuff on that list! I love how it's not a list about rules, but about essence.

By the way, thanks for reading my blog... It means a lot. Blessings!

Pegsy said...

I love your list. I agree with you friend, Miriam - very inspirational! Don't be surprised if you see a similar list on my blog soon. One of my resolutions is to post my resolutins before January is over! ;-)

EMP said...

It's March and this morning I reread my "resolutions" for the year. I agree with my friends' comments that these things form the essence of my life; they're not a list of "rules" to keep or break. (One friend says they're not really resolutions: the list merely describes the way I already live.) I think I'll expand on each entry in the coming months and consider why I chose to include it. I suspect next year's entries will look much the same! :)